
Archives Instruction

The University Archivist can provide introductory sessions on archival research for university classes (both undergraduate and graduate). One-on-one meetings can also be scheduled to assist students, faculty, and staff with their research in the Archives.

Class Sessions

In a class session, the University Archivist may introduce how to conduct research in archives and/or how to use specific resources from the University Archives and Special Collections. The session may also include a tour of the Archives. Sessions can be tailored to fit the needs of a course and the time available. Sessions typically range from 30-60 minutes and can be conducted in-person or virtually.

In-person presentations can be made in any of the library classrooms (preferred), provided the room is available. Faculty are encouraged to make session requests well in advance of the session date. In-person presentations can also be made in the class’s regular scheduled classroom, if necessary.

Faculty are required to attend the presentation and remain engaged in the class.

Contact and More Information

To schedule a class session or individual meeting (in-person or virtual), please contact or call 860.768.4143.

For more information on the Archives, visit the Archives and Special Collections page.